[libre-riscv-dev] OpenCL Table

Michael Pham pham.michael.98 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 12 09:26:29 BST 2019

Hi Jacob,

For point 1, yes, that is a problem. Luckily, GitHub and GitLab aren't the
only git solutions that exist and there are many more lightweight
alternatives out there. I've heard of something called Gitea from reddit
which seems to be much lighter and performant than GitLab. Gitea supposedly
has low minimal requirements and can even run on a Raspberry Pi! Hopefully,
Luke's server is at least as powerful as a Raspberry Pi ;) .You and Luke
can maybe take a look at their website and see if it appeals to you or not
( https://gitea.io/en-us/ ). Also, here are some other people that are
self-hosting that made some comments on reddit:


For point 2, I kind of half agree with you guys about this. I don't think
most people will see the project as any less legitimate if you don't
self-host the source code. For example, LLVM is currently self-hosting but
they are in the process of moving their repos to GitHub. Mozilla uses
GitHub for many of their projects. lowRISC develops their hardware on
GitHub. Even the RISC-V Foundation does all their development on GitHub.
Does that mean they are any less legitimate just because they aren't
self-hosting? I don't quite agree with the idea that legitimacy is affected
by whether the code is self-hosted or not.

For point 3, I agree with the ethics.

Gitea does seem to be much better for your requirements: 1) It requires
very little resources to run. 2) Allows you to self-host. 3) Not
proprietary and it seems to have a good open community around it.

So please give it a try! I'm sorry to say this, but the Libre RISC-V
website is kind of.... outdated in terms of looks.... the git repo and the
bug tracker too. I think Gitea would be much more welcoming for newcomers.


On Mon, Aug 12, 2019 at 3:32 AM Jacob Lifshay <programmerjake at gmail.com>

> On Sun, Aug 11, 2019, 23:58 Michael Pham <pham.michael.98 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Is it possible for us to switch to GitLab? I noticed Kazan was using
> GitLab
> > and I don’t see why the Libre RISC-V SoC can’t do the same.
> >
> So, there's three parts to why we decided to use what we currently have:
> 1. running gitlab on libre-riscv.org's server is impractical as-is, the
> server doesn't have enough disk space, ram, or cpu power. upgrading will
> take time and money.
> 2. we didn't want to use Debian Salsa (their gitlab instance) as the main
> source repository because Luke thought it would be better to have
> libre-riscv host our own source code as it gives a sense of legitimacy.
> Also, we are unsure if salsa is going to keep operating indefinitely or if
> it will be shut down if the cloud providers stop hosting it for free.
> 3. we want to avoid using GitHub, GitLab (the code hosting service, not the
> open-source software), or other proprietary-but-free services as much as
> possible from an ethical standpoint.
> The above is what we previously decided, which is open to change (except
> for part 3 of course).
> Jacob
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