[libre-riscv-dev] SV Prefix questions

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton lkcl at lkcl.net
Tue Jun 25 16:27:27 BST 2019


jacob: the compiler knows MAXVL at compile-time, however the engine does
not, and must be told what it is.  then, loops like the DAXPY one from
"SIMD Considered Harmful" will work (even on SV):

# a0 is n, a1 is pointer to x[0], a2 is pointer to y[0], fa0 is a
  0:  li t0, 2<<25
  4:  vsetdcfg t0             # enable 2 64b Fl.Pt. registers
  8:  setvl  t0, a0           # vl = t0 = min(mvl, n)
  c:  vld    v0, a1           # load vector x
  10:  slli   t1, t0, 3        # t1 = vl * 8 (in bytes)
  14:  vld    v1, a2           # load vector y
  18:  add    a1, a1, t1       # increment pointer to x by vl*8
  1c:  vfmadd v1, v0, fa0, v1  # v1 += v0 * fa0 (y = a * x + y)
  20:  sub    a0, a0, t0       # n -= vl (t0)
  24:  vst    v1, a2           # store Y
  28:  add    a2, a2, t1       # increment pointer to y by vl*8
  2c:  bnez   a0, loop         # repeat if n != 0
  30:  ret                     # return

in the above, let's say that MAXVL is 8 and a0 is 1,000.  SETVL goes "vl =
t0 = min(8, 1000)" and sets both vl and t0 to 8 as a result.  clearly the
next loop will do the same.

only when a0 starts to drop *below* 8 will both vl and t0 be set to below 8
(MVL).  in RVV, the implementor is allowed to start "throttling" by
changing VL to 1/2 the value - this to prevent the "concertina" effect,

the thing is: i do not believe that the rules that you set would allow the
same behaviour.  i did try creating something like it, a year ago:
everything i could think of required either 2 to 3 additional instructions
(inside the loop) because there was no way to get the same "vl = rd =
min(rs, MVL)" behaviour as a single opcode, or it required a THIRD extra
argument to SETVL - addition of the MAXVL value as a parameter (a constant
or an immediate).

that in turn would require the addition of an extra opcode, which is "off
the table" as a hard requirement for SV.

setting alternative rules, it's *essential* to come up with working demo
pseudo-assembly.  after several weeks of thinking about this i gave up and
decided to go with something that was very close to RVV.  this not just to
save time and effort at the *design* phase, it's also to save on conceptual
explanations and also on compiler development.

cut corners, leapfrog off of other peoples' ideas, get stuff done fast! :)


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