[libre-riscv-dev] New Person

lkcl lkcl at libre-riscv.org
Mon Oct 15 11:54:31 BST 2018

daniel, i just thought of another potential (and very useful) task:
what's your pppd sysadmin skills like?

there's an issue with using spike as a simulator: the only way in or
out is via the console.  in all of the buildroot / etc. etc.
environments, a standard root login is provided (password is riscv if
i recall correctly... ok on the freedom-u-sdk it's been changed to

the buildroot basically is placed into an initramfs, and loaded into
memory.  there's nothing further that can be done.

except... what if pppd was installed in the initramfs?  then, a ppp
tunnel could hypothetically be set up, and, over that, an ssh login
obtained, then an nfs root mount point created to the host, and
pivot_root called.

in this way it would actually be possible to run a full debian riscv
distro... under spike.

this would be extremely useful, and it's something i used to do back
in 2003-2004 with embedded systems.  there however the networking was
slightly easier, as the USB-OTG could be switched over to g_ether, and
usbnet used on the host side.

what do you think?


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