[Libre-soc-isa] [[OPF][ISA] #197576] ISA RFC Request - Formal Proposal - by Luke Leighton (Libre-SOC Team)

lkcl luke.leighton at gmail.com
Thu Feb 22 00:41:59 GMT 2024

(cc'ing libre-soc-isa mailing list, cc'ing NLnet the financial
sponsor for the RFCs, moving ibm cc recipients to bcc)

thank you brad for acknowledging, and the feedback.
the amount of money involved in preparing and submitting
to meet the requirements you outline below was obviously
not catered for in the original grant proposal of 2022 august
(18 months ago, now).


when writing the original EU/NLnet Grant proposal, 18 months
ago, we could not have known the process as it was not
written down anywhere public, plus there was a learning
curve for everyone, as the ISA had never been opened up

therefore, now that we have some idea of what to expect it
*might*, and i stress might, be necessary to put together
an additional *entirely new* EU / NLnet Grant request in order
to fund the requested submission.

please do bear in mind that if you require significant
modifications (weeks or months of work) we will need to know
*in advance* precisely and exactly what you want, in order
to estimate the costings involved.

given that the NLnet Grant Proposal process requires absolute
clear milestones, the last thing we need is to put in a Grant
Request (fixed budget, 3+ month evaluation, independent
3rd party review) only to find 8+ months down the line that
"there is another thing, another hurdle, something not previously

one possibility which is very simple, avoiding any delay
and crucially avoiding any financial cost (a personal
financial loss to myself as i personally will be the one
doing the work to meet the outlined requirements below)
is to submit the entire contents of
https://libre-soc.org/openpower/sv which is
built as a PDF here:


you can ignore Section III, pages 229 onwards, the rest
of the document (Sections I and II) are the Simple-V
specification: management instructions, SVP64 format,
REMAP subsystem, PO9 format, everything that was previously
submitted in separate RFCs.

if that is acceptable and meets the requirements you ask for
then i can do that in under 5 minutes and you will have
everything in one document. it will also not require us
(Libre-SOC) to delay providing the information you seek
by 4+ months due to us having to put in an entirely new
NLnet Grant to pay for doing it.

please do let us know if submitting the full contents of
the entire body of work of the past 3+ years is acceptable
and meets the requirements below? as part of answering this
question, you can download the PDF above, and let me know
before i spend my personal time and personal money
(unfunded, as it is not a listed Milestone under NLnet Grant
2022-08-051) to update that PDF and submit it formally.



On Wednesday, February 21, 2024, Brad Frey via RT <isa at openpower.foundation>
> The OPF ISA TWG has received your requests and reviewed the associated
proposals related to the Simple-V looping mechanism.  Given the stated
direction to consolidate the proposals into a single RFC for the looping
mechanism, the presentation by David Calderwood and Luke Leighton outlining
the functional content to be represented in that RFC, and the question
posed by David of whether the workgroup will approve the RFC based on that
functional overview, we are giving this response to all of the looping
mechanism-related requests.
> The content of the proposals and the presentation look compatible with
the existing architecture at a conceptual level and has the potential to be
a valuable extension to the architecture.  However, we are missing in-depth
details of several features.  Without a complete RFC, we lack the ability
to understand all the details of how the aggregate proposal fits into the
existing architecture, and cannot provide you with accurate feedback.
Please also remember that the OPF ISA TWG can only vote on a complete RFC,
and this or any other feedback given before we have a complete RFC is not
binding with respect to the outcome of a vote by the OPF ISA TWG or the
votes of individual voting members.  We await your RFC submission to
proceed further.
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