[Libre-soc-dev] Task 980 needs an attention

Jacob Lifshay programmerjake at gmail.com
Wed Jan 10 01:26:09 GMT 2024

On Tue, Jan 9, 2024, 14:13 Dmitry Selyutin via Libre-soc-dev <
libre-soc-dev at lists.libre-soc.org> wrote:

>  This time, I had to sacrifice several days on Christmas, to make
> the code work.

thank you for taking the time to work on this, most of us probably didn't
realize your christmas is in january, until you mentioned it.

The last thing I would like to waste my time on are such
> debates.
> As a developer, I should have a liberty to interactively rebase, fixup,
> squash commits, commit when I can and want, and same for push.

Assuming you're not working directly on the master branch, I think it
should be sufficient to push a WIP commit with whatever changes have been
made by the end of the day, that can be rebased, squashed, amended, etc.
next time you work on it. (if you're working on master, please don't
rebase/squash/amend any commits, use a separate branch if you want that,
then push to master once the commits won't change anymore)
It would also be useful but not required to push your current code if
you're posting major results or asking questions, so others can see your
code -- after all it's really hard to spot bugs in code you can't see!

That's always how I've worked (though i sometimes push more often than

If there are
> restrictions on this from NLnet side, these must be explicitly published on
> their own guidelines. I'm sure they have different forms than the ones
> exposed.

I don't think there are any NLNet restrictions other than that code needs
to be public before submitting RFPs.

Luke, does this sound sufficient?


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