[Libre-soc-dev] Finishing off the grant: gigabit crypto router 2021-02-052

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton lkcl at lkcl.net
Thu Apr 18 18:33:51 BST 2024

On Thursday, April 18, 2024, Cesar Strauss via Libre-soc-dev <
libre-soc-dev at lists.libre-soc.org> wrote:

> The World at Large needs our project, as evidenced by people
>  wanting to work on it, and institutions willing to fund it.

firstly, i had to stop inviting people to help as i cannot
possibly expect them to help when we are being stalked online,
and no the EU is *not* funding us because of CALDERWOOD and
LEWIS's attacks:

secondly: unfortunately it is more complex than that,
and NLnet have been caught out before (in a different way).
it goes like this:

* CALDERWOOD and LEWIS believe that they are entitled to the
 Trademark that is in effect identical to Simple-V (TM),
 which is simple straight theft.

* this Trademark is a saleable asset.

* that asset if sold may be enforced by NON-FREE entities
 forcing Libre implementations to pay for Trademark Licenses

worse than that as i already mentioned their belief that i have
committed "libel" means that they will also believe they have
the right to seize all my copyrighted material as compensation,
and may also attempt to claim jacob's work as well.

at that point as an unethical (criminal) cartel they will be
able to REVOKE the LGPL license and start coming after anyone
they choose if "their" copyrighted material is used in any
way for any reason.

this did actually happen with one NLnet-funded individual who
forgot to check with his employer that he had rights to his
work, and the employer seized all his work (funded by NLnet)
and made it proprietary.

bottom line is that continuing to do *any* Libre-SOC work
plays into their hands as it increases the value of what
they are stealing.

these are people who are not going to stop. they think they are
entitled, and that they can do what they like because they
think they know best. they want their money, having as Directors
only shares, they have had no personal income for 2-3 years.

jacob if you find any "admin" work (reporting, budget-sync)
i'm happy to do RFPs on that. documentation is out (because
it helps CALDERWOOD and LEWIS in their ongoing theft).
unit tests are out (likewise). finishing RFPs is ok,
writing existing RFPs is ok. developing *new material* to go
*into* RFPs is not ok. nmigen etc is ok.


geometry: without it life is pointless
the fibonacci series: easy as 1 1 2 3

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