[Libre-soc-dev] Submitting NLnet RfPs - How to?

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton lkcl at lkcl.net
Thu Dec 14 04:50:19 GMT 2023



all you needed to do was 40-60 seconds then forget it.

step 1. create page
step 2. put word "TODO" at top.
step 3. find lists.libre-soc.org link
step 4. paste link on 2nd line of page.
step 5 optional: paste link to bugreport full URL.

bdam. done. forget. next task.

don't even bother putting angle-brackets round the URLs
if you are pushed for time.

that's *literlly* all you have to do as a minimum.


the idea is that you are NOT the only person to work on this.
you have to assume OTHER PEOPLE will come along and HELP OUT.

but an orphaned page with no links says "yeah don't bother
to help out, because i can't be bothered to provide context"

see how that works and how you are setting yourself up for
total overload on how much work you need to do?

*please* break these habits and start listening so that you
don't make me look like a fucking dick by shouting becuse
it's literally the ninth time in five months you ignored
what i wrote, ok?


geometry: without it life is pointless
the fibonacci series: easy as 1 1 2 3

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